mx_e. - Discord

Welcome to the Official Nebula Taggering website!

Nebula Tag is quickly emerging as the best alternative to Gorilla Tag, bringing fresh excitement to the VR gaming community. With its enhanced graphics, smoother gameplay, and innovative features, it offers players a more immersive experience. Fans of Gorilla Tag are finding Nebula Tag to be a worthy successor, combining the best elements of the original with new, exciting twists.

Go to our About Us to see all about who is who in the discord!

Our "About Us" page highlights the creativity and expertise of our dedicated development team, showcasing their commitment to innovation. Each member brings a unique set of skills, from coding and design to project management, ensuring that our projects are both cutting-edge and user-friendly. The page also delves into the team's collaborative spirit, demonstrating how our diverse talents come together to solve complex challenges. With a focus on continuous learning, our developers stay ahead of industry trends, integrating the latest technologies into our work. Ultimately, the "About Us" section reflects the passion and dedication that drives our team to create exceptional digital experiences.


The Vision


The Vision for Nebula Taggering is to create a thriving community and an immersive gaming experience that stands out as the best upcoming alternative to Gorilla Tag. Our goal is to foster a community where players feel connected, engaged, and excited to be part of something new and innovative. Nebula Taggering isn't just a game; it's a platform where creativity, competition, and camaraderie come together. By prioritizing player feedback and continually improving the gameplay, we're committed to making Nebula Taggering the go-to destination for fans of the genre. This is more than just a copy—it's the evolution of the game we all love, with the potential to redefine the landscape of virtual tag games. Join us on this journey as we build something truly special, together.

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mx_e. on discord.


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